First of all our entire team at Calypso Diving Centre would like to ensure you that we aim to run our dive centre’s routine with as normal as we possibly can without risking anyone's health. We want you to enjoy your stay, whilst making sure that you and all our other guests feel safe and confident at the same time.
We follow all recommendations by the Maltese Health Authorities, and adjust our measures accordingly when these are updated.
This means the regular disinfection of all rental dive gear, surfaces, door handles, pens, or in short everything in our dive centre's public places that will be touched by many different people.
Hand disinfectant is provided in the dive shop and wetroom near the entrance, kindly make use of it anytime you enter our premises.
For the extra bit of personal safety we recommend to have your own dive mask and mouthpiece, better even to have your own regulator. Of course we offer all of these items in our dive shop at compatible prices.
If you will rent dive gear it will have been disinfected prior to your use and only you will use it during your stay.
We have a new platform where all our divers can register online and upload all required documents prior to their holidays with us, this way the check in here at the dive shop will go even more smoothly and we can avoid unnecessary contacts.
We will send you the necessary details for it with your booking confirmation. You will also find the new Covid-19 Health Declaration form there.
Briefings and course theory will be held outside as much as possible for everybody’s utmost safety and comfort.
For courses online study is recommended.
Since the beginning of the pandemic, cancellations due to travel restrictions, cancelled flights and quarantine enforcements have become the sad, new normal for the travel industry.
In case you have to cancel your dive booking with us due to a lockdown in your home country or in Malta, the following conditions apply:
Your options when cancelling up to 3 days before your arrival day:
1. You can leave your deposit with us and use the full amount for a later stay within the next two years. We will issue a voucher which you can present with your future booking request.
2. We refund the paid deposit minus an administration fee of EUR 30.00 per transaction (e.g. if we refund the deposit on different accounts, we charge EUR 30.00 per bank account).
For No Shows no refunds are given.
For any cancellation which additionally affects our partners, i.e. accommodation, airport transfers, rental vehicles, kindly contact us per e-mail and we will send you the respective policy.
Below we have listed some pages where you can find out more about the latest travel advice to Malta and Gozo.
Stand 2/22
Since the beginning of the pandemic, we divers have received a lot of different information on diving after Covid-19. There are now many variants of the viral disease and investigations have taken a big step forward.
Accordingly, the Diver Medical Screen Committee (DMSC), in collaboration with DAN, the Undersea Hyperbaric Medical Society, the World Recreational Scuba Training Council (WRSTC), and the CMAS training association, has recently adapted their method of medical screening. This now focuses more on symptoms which can be problematic for divers.
Divers with Covid-19 are now divided into four groups based on clinical manifestation, Group A, B, C & D. These groups are based on recognisable symptoms, degree of disease and treatment received.
Those recovered who were asymptomatic or paucisymtomatic (mild symptoms such malaise, sore throat, nasal congestion, cough, headaches and /or myalgia, absence of fever) are classified as Group A. Here a break from diving for at least 7 days is recommended, and a medical examination in those cases where physical or mental performance is not completely restored.
Group B are divers with a mild illness without hospitalisation and no required treatment with antibiotics, antivirals, heparin or cortisone. Here, an examination by the general practitioner or a diving doctor is recommended at the earliest 10 days after recovery.
Group C and D are divers with moderate, severe or critical illness. In these cases, further diagnostic examinations are recommended in any case before diving can be resumed.
Please read the detailed information from DAN Europe here.
Due to the still evolving epidemiological situation, please watch out for future updates and changes. DAN Europe provides a very good source for this.
In case of health problems or health concerns, a medical examination before diving is essential.